Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Love Letter Of Some Sort

I have been staring at this blinking cursor for what seems like an eternity. I have never had a problem with putting my thoughts into words but for some reason, they are not coming so easily to me today.

This is not a surprise to me because I have so much to say about you and words can barely begin to cover it. You have always been there for me, through the good times and bad. In craziness and in sanity (We don’t have a lot of the sanity moments though). In sickness and in health…and the more I keep mentioning these times you have always had my back, the more I realize it’s as if we are already married. Though being together for almost ten years is kinda like a marriage. LOL!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

My Box Office 2013

A few days ago, a close friend of mine asked me what my best movie for the year was. And I have to admit…I stuttered! I am a big fan of the box office and so many flicks have grabbed my attention during the 12 months that has made this year what it is. The same thing goes for music. I can never just pick one. There are so many that I have grown fond of overtime. From all genres too; Rock, Hip-Hop, African, and House you name it.

So that is what inspired my post for today. However, not the music part of it because that would be an infinity post LOL! I tried to narrow it down to just ten movies.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Hairy Situation

‘Sup everyone! Turn to your neighbor and tell them “it’s the season to be jolly!” LOL, how are you doing though? I am awesome, just getting in the Christmas mood! I hope you are too. Plus, I will be expecting some gifts from you faithful readers, ahem…ahem!

This week I finally realized one of this year’s resolutions. I had talked about it here. Because it was taking me so long to get it, everyone around had lost hope hehe. But finally, three months later, I have it! I got me a phone, my Galaxy baby. I am super excited about it and I just can’t wait to get to know it more :)

My bff’s parents were renewing their wedding nuptials this past weekend and a bunch of us were going to turn up! As usual, when it comes to matters wedding, it’s usually a thing nowadays to show up looking your best.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Girl Code

Hey people. How are ya’ll getting along? I hope you are doing fine. I am just peachy! I have a short story to share, so kids gather around. Hehe, just the other day, I met someone (a male someone) who asked me what I did.  It went a little bit like this, “So what do you do?”

Lately, I have come to the realization that people do not ask such questions with the aim of actually wanting to know what the other person does but instead what they usually want to know is you level of intelligence or something of the sort. They want to gauge you!

So when I told him that I do Computer Science, he was shocked to say the least. Then what followed after his long and intimate relationship with silence and utter dismay was a remark that will leave many females and female activists asking me for this guy’s number.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Google Code In

Hello folks. How you doin’? December is finally here with us, yipeeee! And for more than one reason, I couldn’t be any happier about that! I should have written this post a bit earlier than this, but just bear with me. It’s better late than never, ey? I am also going to be very straight to the point on this one as there is already a variety of information and videos online to elaborate. So, how about we get started then? If you are or know of any 13 – 17 year old pre-university student, then read along because this is one of those wonderful opportunities that you just can’t pass on :)

What is the Google Code In?
It is a global online open source development and outreach contest for pre-college students ages 13 – 17. 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sunset Creeps

The room was dark. It was cold too. I had nothing to keep me warm but the grey overall that I had worn. The fact that it was raining cats and dogs outside could have had something to do with the dull mood but I think the somber circumstances surrounding my life were playing a bigger role at that particular time. I was hungry. The supper I ate was barely enough. You would have thought by now I would’ve gotten used to it, but I hadn’t.

It was an accident. It was not meant to go down like that. I am a good man, I have always been. But the turn of events on that fateful day changed my life forever. And who would have known things would have ended up like this? If I had the slightest inkling of this life I am currently living, I would have never left my bed that Monday morning two years ago. Instead, I could have just spent the day with my beautiful wife and the baby we were expecting that summer.

I can still remember her pretty face as I prepared to leave for work that morning. To say she was gorgeous would be understatement. The pregnancy was good to her. Five months into it and she was still energetic and vibrant. She was glowing. We had recently tied the knot so were not over those ‘little things that love birds do’. She was sad when I kissed her goodbye.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Get Your Students Certified

Hello folks. How are you doin’?  I hope ya’ll are well and keeping warm during this sweater weather that we have going on in the country. It was a very eventful weekend for me so I thought I should share some of that goodness with you and hope that it would bring some sort of warmth hehe.

For those who have been keeping up with the GSAs, we should start that reality show hehe, you know that we have this project of training the students in our respective campuses in online basics and have them certified.  And this project is dubbed ‘Get Your Students Certified’.  In line with this, we held our Kenyatta University training this past Friday and Saturday.


The objective of this event was to promote web literacy, online basics and internet safety on campus to the students that would like to be certified. Publicity around the school was done by posters which were stuck in strategic locations.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Applications now open for Google EMEA scholarships - Apply today!

Hello people. It has been a while since I posted something, I know! And I am very sorry. In the words of Kevin Hart . . . let me explain. Hehe, I just had to find a way to wiggle that phrase in this post. I have watched that stand up comedy over ten times now and I can probably recite everything on cue!

But, the explanation part is, I have been really tied down this past week. Having really long days and short nights. Until I started thinking to myself that maybe, just maybe...I bit off more than I could chew. This got me a bit down in the dumps but I think I am coming out of it. I realize to whom much is given, much is also expected so I am currently going through some soul searching of sorts, finding my happy places and getting a new outlook on things. My music and "singing" are helping me a lot!!! On the real though, I cannot wait for December! I need me my vaccay!

That aside, I am here with some good news and that is ...drum rolls...The Applications for the EMEA scholarships are now open! This, however, is solely for the ladies! So sorry dudes, maybe the next one :(

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

#OracleDay {Kenyan Edition 2013}

Top of the afternoon to all of you! Ok, I do not know if there is a greeting like that but I am just assuming because there exists a ‘top of the morning’ greeting…oh, well you get the drift hehe. So, how have you been? Good I hope. In my last post, I had mentioned something about telling you what went down on Friday, so here I am fulfilling my promises :)

For the longest time, IT or tech events have always been an opportunity for me and my pals to go and learn something more, network, explore opportunities and of course…eat! This has been the case for a little over a year now. From the hackathons held at hotels like the Boma Hotel, Red Court Hotel, PAWA254 and the iHub to the talks in Intercontinental Hotel, Sankara Hotel, Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel and also the famous Hilton Hotel. I have attended them all!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Map Your World {Google Map Maker Event}

Hello my good people. It is a beautiful day and I hope you are well and happy. I am also just peachy! Well that is apart from this aching back and shoulders that I have. Oh boy, I could kill for a massage right about now. It has been a long week. But the fact that it has been fruitful makes all the pain worth it. And before I continue any further, I would just like to thank you once again for finding your way to this blog. It is always a pleasure to have you on board!

Yesterday we had our edition of Google Map Maker, map your world. It is the second one I have attended. The first time, which was last year, I was there as an attendee. But who knew the second time around I would be there as the GSA. It was really awesome for me to get to have a feel of both sides. Come to think of it, the same can be said for Jeremy :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Going Google Awareness Campaign

So this is a very big week for Kenyatta University because guess what people, we are finally going Google!! Oh so sorry, I even forgot to say hello! How mean of me. How are you? I trust you are awesome! I am swell as well…uhhh, I rhymed (score one for me)

I am going to make this as brief as I can so that you do not get bored along the way and sleep and miss your bus and get stuck where you are and be forced to spend the night there hence get late for where you are supposed to be tomorrow and long story short, it’s just going to be really hectic for you.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What I Love About You

Hello guys! How are ya’ll doing? Missed me? Ok…it was worth a shot anyway. Hehe! I thought I should pop by before the month ends and do one more post for the road. I got some good news people! Google would like to make you a Certified in Online Basics. And I will be doing a post about that sometime soon. So just stay reading so that the good stuff doesn’t pass you by :)

I got more good news (I am full of them today, aren’t I?) hehe. My sister (the younger twin), the one I talked about in this post here has moved back to Nairobi! Yeey! Oh my, come to think about it, this is good news and bad news. Why bad, you may ask. Because this means that I will now be permanently relegated to my third wheel status when it comes to hanging out with my sisters. I could handle it when she visited for a couple of days at a time but now so help me…

Pretty much what I wear :)

However, looking at the good side of that is we can now see her often. But apart from that, of all of the three girls myself included, this particular sister of mine is the one who is more in tune with her feminine inside! She is the one with the highest number of handbags, heels and dresses. Heck, she needs a room for her shoes! The other twin comes a close second while I am the one who just gets by. LOL, you know, throw in a pair of Ol’ schools, a tech tee and jeans and I am good to go. However, I do try on the hair and ‘make-up’ bit. They say the fact that I do IT may have messed with my brain somehow. So it is her hope that because she has moved closer home, some of her glitz and glamour would rub off on me.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Stealing Internet :) again (this is becoming a habit)

I am torn! A big part of being a blogger is to convey to people the amazing things that you came across so that they can see how amazing those things are and maybe try it out for themselves. Sometimes, however, I find other things so good that I would really rather keep to myself. But that is not fair, is it?? So in the spirit of sharing I will re-blog this post from my tech friend. We all love internet right? Therefore, I am very sure this will interest you :)

Reblogged from: Bring The Rain

Disclaimer: Proceed with caution as the methods used here might be somewhat illegal. Hence, do not mention my name in any way shape or form when you are caught! Hehe

"Since this post is going to be a little bit long why don't I try to be as forth coming as I can, Its becoming very hard for me to blog with this projects that I am working on and no, am not complaining.
So Lets steal some more Internet Orange Ke.(Ok its Telkom but same difference)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Double Whammy

*Walks over to BlogSpot and starts typing, hehe* Hello people! How was your week? Well, mine was somewhat disappointing. In my last post I was so excited about the unveiling of the new Android OS (KitKat) but it seems Google decided to pull a fast one on us. But anyway, it is alright. We will live! However, I hope they are planning to do it soon, perhaps by Halloween. Because let’s face it, we are not getting any younger!

LOL, speaking of not getting any younger, tomorrow is my sisters’ birthday! And they are gonna kill me when they see how I started that sentence. And yes, I am talking in plural because they are twins. It’s a double whammy! That means double shopping, double stress and double pressure.

The worst part is, I don’t have a clue what to get them. Aaargh! That’s why I am here ya’ll. I need some help. I got like a few hours left to figure this out. So, any ideas?? Somebody? Anybody?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sweet Treats :)

Hey guys. It is a beautiful day and I hope you are well and happy. I can’t complain either. Once again I would like to thank you for finding your way to this blog. You guys are just the bestest! (And yes, I know there is no word like that but I ignored autocorrect just for you) *wink wink*

Those who have had the chance to know me personally will tell for a fact that I have a sweet tooth. I am talking creamy cakes, chocolates, pies, sweets, muffins, cookies, chewing gums you name it! If it has sugar I am most definitely there. But of course I do take precaution and brush my teeth immediately after indulging in anything. We don’t want those dental carries. They are nasty!

However, today there is going to be different kind of sweet treat. And I am talking about nothing other than the new Android OS! Yeey, the day is finally here. The long wait is over. This 15th day of October (I hope it wasn't just a rumour) will see the unveiling of the Android mobile Operating System 4.4. It will be called…drum rolls please…KitKat. Yes, after the chocolate :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Software Cracking/Disassembly/Debugging ... call it what you may this is just the beginning

Hello my good people, how are you doing? I trust you have been fine. I am also just peachy! I like to share interesting things that I bump into. And the other day as I was browsing the web I came this interesting tech blog. The topic that specifically caught my eye was this one about cracking softwares. It is a bit long, so bear with me. But i do hope it will help someone out there. So read along

Reblogged from Bring The Rain. Here it is......

"So recently i got a little of complains about not showing people how to crack software and how i have not shown how software is broken into using reverse engineering well here is the guide to doing all this... right here am using

Hackers disassembler
and more coffee

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

#RhokAfrica. The Aftermath

Heyyy guys, you good? I really hope so. The last time we ‘talked’ (see here), I mentioned something to do with how strong I was, fighting the sandman and all, well…that did not last too long. This is because; by about 6:00 am that Sunday morning my eyelids could no longer maintain their long distance relationship! I had to catch some zzZZ! Yo, I was so tired and the carpeted floor looked oh so enticing. It was calling out to me. Good thing is our team was positioned in a corner, so I just lied down…on the floor…behind the curtain…and I slept for a good forty minutes. I had officially lost the battle!

Dr. Sanji during the opening ceremony on saturday

We normally take sleep for granted when we have the time to catch it. Take me for example, I may enter my bed at about midnight but because of my lappy, phone and internet, I may end up sleeping at 2:00 am. This is regardless of whether I have an early morning or not. This is such a bad habit. Sleep is so important! And I confirmed that this weekend. Before my forty-minute power shut eye, I could hardly function. I was seeing doubles and I even started replying to the voices in my head. Yes, it was that bad. So I totally understood all the guys who were under the tables snoring. It was just a rebooting mechanism.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


The time is now 2:00 am and seeing that i am here writing this means i am not yet asleep. Why, you may ask. Well see, i signed up for this event that us guys in the tech world like to call a 'Hackathon'. What that basically means is that we stay up all night and program or code a solution to given problem statements. Some of the attendees have already fallen prey to Mr. Sandman and they are looking for cleaver ways to get some shut eye. I see one under the tables, is that you +DANIEL KIHIA? LOL! So i pride myself in being one of the strongest individuals because as i am winning the battle when it comes to keeping my eyelids from cuddling with each other. But i must admit, it is really hard!


The hackathon in question this time round is the Random Hacks of Kindness. It is a rapidly growing global initiative which brings together a large community of innovators in over 30 countries. The aim of this event is to make the world a better place by developing practical, open source technology solutions to some of the most complex challenges facing humanity. Hence through the hackathon,  feasible projects are developed and deployed. Read more on this and the problem statements here or here.

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Event {Part Two}

Howdy my good people. How’s the going? As promised in this post, I told you that there would be a follow up event. Well, it came to pass this previous Friday! I am sorry it did not go down on the day I has said it would this is due to some challenges we got while trying to secure a venue. However, thanks to my hardworking colleague +njihia jeremy we managed to secure the Computer Lab in the Communication and Information Technology Department in the school.

The poster

I wasn't as nervous going into this second event as I was in the first. So I suppose what they usually say about experience and practice is really true hehe. This second event started at about 9:00am. It was mainly for class representatives and club leaders although anyone who was interested in attending was gladly welcomed. The agenda was taking the attendees through the usage of Google apps that would make their roles in leadership positions a bit easier.

Monday, September 23, 2013


It was supposed to be a normal Saturday for me. You know…wake up, go to work, meet up with my friend later on in the evening and go back home and re-cap all that with my family. There were so many activities lined up for this weekend. Even though I was not taking part in them, I knew so many people who were and they were more than excited when this day dawned. There was the Safaricom 7s which almost everyone was rumbling about, there was the usual football craze, if I am not wrong there was the Oktoberfest going down and apart from that, there was nothing for those who intended to just use these two cherished days to relax after a long tiring week. It was meant to be a good weekend and no one in Kenya had any inkling just how dark this 21st day of September would turn out.

Kenya, Our Land

On this particular day, I had a lot of trouble trying to wake up! This was unlike me but then again I had slept very late the previous night so I only had myself to blame. The first thing I did was tweet just how much I wanted to go back to bed. My eyes were so heavy and I was really struggling. I wasted a lot of time trying to get ready because I was so sluggish. And this in turn made me chose to forgo my breakfast so as to leave the house and get to my place of work on time which is located in Westlands. I thought to myself, ‘I can grab something on the way there with so many cafes in that place’

Friday, September 20, 2013

18 Till I Die

Hello folks. I hope you are doing well. I am fabulous!! A lot of my joy could be credited to this Wednesday’s events. That is because it was…drumrolls please…My Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!!

So I turned 18 years…again! Ha-ha. I have lost count how many times I have turned this age but just between me and you, I am still young! It’s not that I am refusing to disclose my age. Heck, many of you already know it. But I use that term ’18 till I die’ because I came to understand one thing. Even if you are growing old, it is very important to stay young. Leave the stresses behind because at the end of the day all the things that seem so important, in reality they really aren’t. Hence, taking life one step at a time the way a teenager would is actually a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying one should be irresponsible. Just that one needs to prioritize once in a while. If you do this, you will enjoy life more.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Raising Hope

Hello folks. I trust you have been well. I can't complain either. Oh, wait...I can! But I will choose not to hehe. Instead, I will share something very interesting with you so ya'll better stick around :)

Children are a gift from God. One cannot deny the amount of joy their presence brings to a family. This brings me to what today’s post is about. I want to introduce you to someone who is very close to my heart. She changed my life. She made me better. Well, it’s not what all of you are thinking hehe. I am talking about my niece :)

So angelic. And the people say "awwwwww"

A few months ago, March to be precise, our family welcomed a beautiful baby girl. We named her ‘Hope’. She was so tiny and fragile it was almost hard to hold her without thinking you were hurting her. Her delicate cry could bring you to tears as you could not decipher why this angel was not happy. It is almost as if she was yanked from a beautiful life and damned to this cruel world and she just wanted to go back. But as the days went by, she kept on adjusting and feeling at home. And now almost six months later, she couldn’t be happier! Or maybe I should let her speak for herself? Watch this space…

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Event {Part One}

Hey guys! How you doin’? Men, don’t I have a story to tell you! So up until this Monday, my being a GSA (see this post to get a background of what I am talking about) was just a theory. This is because me and +njihia jeremy, my colleague, had not held our first event yet. This had to do with the fact that our school was not in session and had only resumed last week. All this time we kept witnessing our other comrades from the other universities and countries have their events and be successful while at it.

The venue
So as you can imagine, the pressure kept mounting as our day grew closer. Were we gonna rise up to the occasion? Will people turn up? Will they be willing to hear us out? Will the schwag be enough? Will I remember all that I was taught? All these questions plus many others kept running through my mind in a complex web of confusion that previous night before our first event. And I would be lying if I told you I had a good night’s rest. The anxiety was unbearable.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

For The Love Of The Game

Heyyy guys! How’s the September? It has been a whole week since I posted anything, whaaaat! That is long. But in my defense, I did want to put up something earlier but guess what? I couldn’t! For one reason or another, my blogger dashboard was not loading and neither were any dot BlogSpot websites which I could visit for help. But I discovered the problem and now I am here :)

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

You see, on Saturday night I was browsing the internet for some games that I could download. I had had a long day so I thought a little play time was in order. You know what they say, “all work and no play makes Jack(ie) a very dull boy girl”. In my computer, I already had Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Scrabble and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (which is not so bad, if I might add) hehe. But I was so used to them and I wanted something different.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Brand New Eyes

Hello my good people. You’re good? Well I hope so. It just dawned on me that this is going to be my last post of the month! Yeah, time flies so fast. Don’t you think? It is almost unbelievable that I started writing this blog towards the beginning of August, it feels like just yesterday! But I have been having so much fun doing it already. I hope you have been having just as much fun reading it. Or is it too soon to judge?

My bff Wanjiru Wainaina :)
Hehe, anyway onwards onwards. I had a very interesting experience this week so allow me to share it with you. My best friend, +wanjiru wainaina and I decided to try something new. Ok, brief history time. We have been friends for close to 9 years now! I know, so long right? We met as juniors on the very first day of high school and we have been besties (damn autocorrect almost made me write beasties) since then! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Window Shopper

There comes a time in every person’s life when the things you currently own don’t work as they should. This therefore calls for some sort of replacement. I think I have reached such a point and I am talking of nothing other than my phone! Oh boy, if you saw what I am currently working with, your heart would just prompt you to either give me yours or organize a harambee (mass gathering of money for a good cause) for me! Yeah, it’s that bad!

I have had this phone for a couple of years now and I’m proud to say I bought it myself. Go #teamIndependent yeey! It was the in thing when I bought it. Yo, i mean it had the Bluetooth, the Camera and the memory card thing going on hehe. Ok, right now I know you can probably send phones to the market to buy stuff for you and they can even raise your kids but hey, just the Bluetooth was a big thing at that time! LOL

When my phone fell down for the first time

My phone right now is the true definition of started from the bottom and still being there. But nevertheless I got mad love for it. The first time it fell down, I almost cried! (Read…I cried) and it was my friend who did it. Tsk tsk, friends! 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

As Easy As Tapping!

I was out on one of my regular trips to one of the tech hubs here in Nairobi about some two weeks ago. So as usual I wait for the bus at the bus stop right. When the right one came, I boarded it and got me a good cozy seat. A good cozy seat for me usually entails where I can get fresh air and be able to look out to ensure I don’t miss my stop.

My BebaPay Card :)
A couple of minutes into my journey, the conductor came over to me to collect my fare. But after looking through my purse for some coins to no avail, I just decided to hand him a clean, crisp, solid note. Those who know me know that I never like using my crisp notes or coins. I mean, they are so new and fresh and shiny! I think they should be framed or something. Anyway, back to the story. So because I had no choice, I just had to use it. From the looks of things, the conductor didn’t have loose change for my money so he gave me that look which implied he would get to me after he finished collecting money from all the other passengers. *I'll be back…like Arnold Schwarzenegger LOL*

Thursday, August 22, 2013

LOL mum, ILY too

Just the other day, my cousin who is home for the holidays, texted me to inquire about whether she could come for a visit before schools reopened. And after reading her text, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. I passed the phone over to the rest of my family as they were more than curious to know why I was laughing so loudly. And before long the whole house was in stitches.

Ok, right now i think you are thinking we are a mean bunch. But point of correction, we weren’t laughing at my cousin, we were laughing at ourselves! This is because we were just realizing that we were either getting too old or it’s the times that were changing and moving too fast for us to catch up with it. The text that she sent me was basically utilizing less than 20 characters but the amount of information that it carried was 200 characters worth!! Every word she wrote in that text was abbreviated into an acronym of some sort.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Just Scratch It

Howdy guys,

Whenever I come across something inspiring and thoughtful, I like to share it. In this way it can reach as many people as possible and maybe, just maybe it can also inspire someone else. You know how the chain works, smile at a stranger and they smile to another stranger and boom!! The whole place is smiling…

The YouTube video from the talk.

I recently came across a certain TED Talk. I love watching these talks and it’s amazing how much you can take from someone’s 15 or so minute lecture. So this particular talk that I am talking about is by one Mitch Resnick of MIT media. He was talking about how coding isn't just for computer whizzes but it’s for everyone. And so, in a fun filled demo talk, he demonstrated and outlined the benefits of teaching kids to code. This will enable them to do more than just “read” new technologies – but also create them. Below is the YouTube video from the talk.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Suited Up

Hey people, how's the weekend going? Good, i hope :) 
What are you up to this Sunday? I have decided to relax today and catch up on a few series, before the start of another long week. However, i am still not settled on what to watch. Read on to understand why then help me out....

I don’t know if I am alone in this but whenever I start watching a series and it comes to its season finale, I usually feel like my life is coming to a season finale of its own. This is because I chose a specific family or set of people and I follow their lives through an entire 12 to 24 episodes. Then I get attached and start seeing myself as part of the whole thing.

The feeling is a little bit bearable when you know they are going to come back with a new season later on, so you just keep the faith and wait to hear the announcement of a season premiere. However, it’s more heart wrenching when they say goodbye for good! This happened to me with Prison Break (But that was understandable. Because just how many times will people escape from jail. It would have become too monotonous) 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Grace Hopper Travel Sponsorship

Hey everyone! I trust you have been well and are super excited for the weekend as much as I am! Thank you for all the positive feedback you have been giving me. I am more than grateful to have you stopping by this blog.

If you are female university student or a female excelling in an information technology profession, then you should definitely continue reading this post. As part of Google’s ongoing commitment to increase the number of women in engineering, they are offering travel sponsorships to the 2013 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference. It is slotted to take place in Minneapolis from October 2nd -5th 2013.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Think Big. Drive Forward” and it will offer incredible opportunities for mentoring, networking, and technical and career development. Google will pay for successful applicants’ conference registration, airfare to and from the conference and hotel accommodation whilst attending the conference.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


The Google Student Ambassador Summit is an event that took place here in Nairobi during the first week of July. As much as I was glad to be a part of the host country I must say I really wanted it to be in another country! This could have given me a chance to experience a different setting and environment, but anyway, it was all good though. 

The main purpose of this summit was to introduce the new class of Google Student Ambassadors (GSAs) in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA).  This class constituted of about 150 students from over 80 universities around Africa. I was part of them representing team Kenya. Apart from the GSAs, in attendance were also the GBGs and GDGs, Google Business Groups and Google Developer Groups respectively. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

User Interface Anonymous

I love pretty things. I mean, who doesn't? From the clothes you chose to wear in the morning, the way you arrange your personal space and let us be honest here…to the person who draws your attention when they walk down the street (ahem ahem, if you know what I mean). We are all drawn to things that look good!

So I am just like everyone else and I love to make my work look nice and inviting. Be it an android project or a website that I am developing. I take a lot of time to design the user interface and create a flawless user experience. And this right here people, is the beginning of my problems!

Why am I saying this? You see I have been working on something for the past couple of days and instead of concentrating on the actual functioning of the project I find myself spending hours on end trying to tweak and re-design widgets and logos. I can’t seem to settle on a color, a background or even a layout. I keep redoing the same thing over and over like a broken record! And quite frankly, I want to stop obsessing so much. I am almost yanking my hair out   :(

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Hello World!

Hey people, it’s really nice that you found yourself here…reading this. Welcome to my first blog post…Yeey! I have been debating on whether to start one for the longest time now. You can guess how that debate ended.

Well, most of you may ask why the title ‘hello world’? Some of you may already be familiar with the world of programming so you don’t really need much of an explanation. But for those who aren’t, ‘Hello World’ is usually the first program you write when you are being introduced to any language for the first time. The first time I saw it was when we were introduced to programming in C when I was in first year (LOL, remind me to tell you that story later on). And after that I saw it in a bunch of other languages I have previewed. So I thought that seeing this is my first blog post, the title would be well fitting. Don’t you agree? Ps. I found this pic online and it cracked me up. Plus it is so relevant!!