Monday, September 30, 2013

The Event {Part Two}

Howdy my good people. How’s the going? As promised in this post, I told you that there would be a follow up event. Well, it came to pass this previous Friday! I am sorry it did not go down on the day I has said it would this is due to some challenges we got while trying to secure a venue. However, thanks to my hardworking colleague +njihia jeremy we managed to secure the Computer Lab in the Communication and Information Technology Department in the school.

The poster

I wasn't as nervous going into this second event as I was in the first. So I suppose what they usually say about experience and practice is really true hehe. This second event started at about 9:00am. It was mainly for class representatives and club leaders although anyone who was interested in attending was gladly welcomed. The agenda was taking the attendees through the usage of Google apps that would make their roles in leadership positions a bit easier.

Monday, September 23, 2013


It was supposed to be a normal Saturday for me. You know…wake up, go to work, meet up with my friend later on in the evening and go back home and re-cap all that with my family. There were so many activities lined up for this weekend. Even though I was not taking part in them, I knew so many people who were and they were more than excited when this day dawned. There was the Safaricom 7s which almost everyone was rumbling about, there was the usual football craze, if I am not wrong there was the Oktoberfest going down and apart from that, there was nothing for those who intended to just use these two cherished days to relax after a long tiring week. It was meant to be a good weekend and no one in Kenya had any inkling just how dark this 21st day of September would turn out.

Kenya, Our Land

On this particular day, I had a lot of trouble trying to wake up! This was unlike me but then again I had slept very late the previous night so I only had myself to blame. The first thing I did was tweet just how much I wanted to go back to bed. My eyes were so heavy and I was really struggling. I wasted a lot of time trying to get ready because I was so sluggish. And this in turn made me chose to forgo my breakfast so as to leave the house and get to my place of work on time which is located in Westlands. I thought to myself, ‘I can grab something on the way there with so many cafes in that place’

Friday, September 20, 2013

18 Till I Die

Hello folks. I hope you are doing well. I am fabulous!! A lot of my joy could be credited to this Wednesday’s events. That is because it was…drumrolls please…My Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!!

So I turned 18 years…again! Ha-ha. I have lost count how many times I have turned this age but just between me and you, I am still young! It’s not that I am refusing to disclose my age. Heck, many of you already know it. But I use that term ’18 till I die’ because I came to understand one thing. Even if you are growing old, it is very important to stay young. Leave the stresses behind because at the end of the day all the things that seem so important, in reality they really aren’t. Hence, taking life one step at a time the way a teenager would is actually a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying one should be irresponsible. Just that one needs to prioritize once in a while. If you do this, you will enjoy life more.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Raising Hope

Hello folks. I trust you have been well. I can't complain either. Oh, wait...I can! But I will choose not to hehe. Instead, I will share something very interesting with you so ya'll better stick around :)

Children are a gift from God. One cannot deny the amount of joy their presence brings to a family. This brings me to what today’s post is about. I want to introduce you to someone who is very close to my heart. She changed my life. She made me better. Well, it’s not what all of you are thinking hehe. I am talking about my niece :)

So angelic. And the people say "awwwwww"

A few months ago, March to be precise, our family welcomed a beautiful baby girl. We named her ‘Hope’. She was so tiny and fragile it was almost hard to hold her without thinking you were hurting her. Her delicate cry could bring you to tears as you could not decipher why this angel was not happy. It is almost as if she was yanked from a beautiful life and damned to this cruel world and she just wanted to go back. But as the days went by, she kept on adjusting and feeling at home. And now almost six months later, she couldn’t be happier! Or maybe I should let her speak for herself? Watch this space…

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Event {Part One}

Hey guys! How you doin’? Men, don’t I have a story to tell you! So up until this Monday, my being a GSA (see this post to get a background of what I am talking about) was just a theory. This is because me and +njihia jeremy, my colleague, had not held our first event yet. This had to do with the fact that our school was not in session and had only resumed last week. All this time we kept witnessing our other comrades from the other universities and countries have their events and be successful while at it.

The venue
So as you can imagine, the pressure kept mounting as our day grew closer. Were we gonna rise up to the occasion? Will people turn up? Will they be willing to hear us out? Will the schwag be enough? Will I remember all that I was taught? All these questions plus many others kept running through my mind in a complex web of confusion that previous night before our first event. And I would be lying if I told you I had a good night’s rest. The anxiety was unbearable.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

For The Love Of The Game

Heyyy guys! How’s the September? It has been a whole week since I posted anything, whaaaat! That is long. But in my defense, I did want to put up something earlier but guess what? I couldn’t! For one reason or another, my blogger dashboard was not loading and neither were any dot BlogSpot websites which I could visit for help. But I discovered the problem and now I am here :)

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

You see, on Saturday night I was browsing the internet for some games that I could download. I had had a long day so I thought a little play time was in order. You know what they say, “all work and no play makes Jack(ie) a very dull boy girl”. In my computer, I already had Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Scrabble and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (which is not so bad, if I might add) hehe. But I was so used to them and I wanted something different.