Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What I Love About You

Hello guys! How are ya’ll doing? Missed me? Ok…it was worth a shot anyway. Hehe! I thought I should pop by before the month ends and do one more post for the road. I got some good news people! Google would like to make you a Certified in Online Basics. And I will be doing a post about that sometime soon. So just stay reading so that the good stuff doesn’t pass you by :)

I got more good news (I am full of them today, aren’t I?) hehe. My sister (the younger twin), the one I talked about in this post here has moved back to Nairobi! Yeey! Oh my, come to think about it, this is good news and bad news. Why bad, you may ask. Because this means that I will now be permanently relegated to my third wheel status when it comes to hanging out with my sisters. I could handle it when she visited for a couple of days at a time but now so help me…

Pretty much what I wear :)

However, looking at the good side of that is we can now see her often. But apart from that, of all of the three girls myself included, this particular sister of mine is the one who is more in tune with her feminine inside! She is the one with the highest number of handbags, heels and dresses. Heck, she needs a room for her shoes! The other twin comes a close second while I am the one who just gets by. LOL, you know, throw in a pair of Ol’ schools, a tech tee and jeans and I am good to go. However, I do try on the hair and ‘make-up’ bit. They say the fact that I do IT may have messed with my brain somehow. So it is her hope that because she has moved closer home, some of her glitz and glamour would rub off on me.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Stealing Internet :) again (this is becoming a habit)

I am torn! A big part of being a blogger is to convey to people the amazing things that you came across so that they can see how amazing those things are and maybe try it out for themselves. Sometimes, however, I find other things so good that I would really rather keep to myself. But that is not fair, is it?? So in the spirit of sharing I will re-blog this post from my tech friend. We all love internet right? Therefore, I am very sure this will interest you :)

Reblogged from: Bring The Rain

Disclaimer: Proceed with caution as the methods used here might be somewhat illegal. Hence, do not mention my name in any way shape or form when you are caught! Hehe

"Since this post is going to be a little bit long why don't I try to be as forth coming as I can, Its becoming very hard for me to blog with this projects that I am working on and no, am not complaining.
So Lets steal some more Internet Orange Ke.(Ok its Telkom but same difference)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Double Whammy

*Walks over to BlogSpot and starts typing, hehe* Hello people! How was your week? Well, mine was somewhat disappointing. In my last post I was so excited about the unveiling of the new Android OS (KitKat) but it seems Google decided to pull a fast one on us. But anyway, it is alright. We will live! However, I hope they are planning to do it soon, perhaps by Halloween. Because let’s face it, we are not getting any younger!

LOL, speaking of not getting any younger, tomorrow is my sisters’ birthday! And they are gonna kill me when they see how I started that sentence. And yes, I am talking in plural because they are twins. It’s a double whammy! That means double shopping, double stress and double pressure.

The worst part is, I don’t have a clue what to get them. Aaargh! That’s why I am here ya’ll. I need some help. I got like a few hours left to figure this out. So, any ideas?? Somebody? Anybody?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Sweet Treats :)

Hey guys. It is a beautiful day and I hope you are well and happy. I can’t complain either. Once again I would like to thank you for finding your way to this blog. You guys are just the bestest! (And yes, I know there is no word like that but I ignored autocorrect just for you) *wink wink*

Those who have had the chance to know me personally will tell for a fact that I have a sweet tooth. I am talking creamy cakes, chocolates, pies, sweets, muffins, cookies, chewing gums you name it! If it has sugar I am most definitely there. But of course I do take precaution and brush my teeth immediately after indulging in anything. We don’t want those dental carries. They are nasty!

However, today there is going to be different kind of sweet treat. And I am talking about nothing other than the new Android OS! Yeey, the day is finally here. The long wait is over. This 15th day of October (I hope it wasn't just a rumour) will see the unveiling of the Android mobile Operating System 4.4. It will be called…drum rolls please…KitKat. Yes, after the chocolate :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Software Cracking/Disassembly/Debugging ... call it what you may this is just the beginning

Hello my good people, how are you doing? I trust you have been fine. I am also just peachy! I like to share interesting things that I bump into. And the other day as I was browsing the web I came this interesting tech blog. The topic that specifically caught my eye was this one about cracking softwares. It is a bit long, so bear with me. But i do hope it will help someone out there. So read along

Reblogged from Bring The Rain. Here it is......

"So recently i got a little of complains about not showing people how to crack software and how i have not shown how software is broken into using reverse engineering well here is the guide to doing all this... right here am using

Hackers disassembler
and more coffee

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

#RhokAfrica. The Aftermath

Heyyy guys, you good? I really hope so. The last time we ‘talked’ (see here), I mentioned something to do with how strong I was, fighting the sandman and all, well…that did not last too long. This is because; by about 6:00 am that Sunday morning my eyelids could no longer maintain their long distance relationship! I had to catch some zzZZ! Yo, I was so tired and the carpeted floor looked oh so enticing. It was calling out to me. Good thing is our team was positioned in a corner, so I just lied down…on the floor…behind the curtain…and I slept for a good forty minutes. I had officially lost the battle!

Dr. Sanji during the opening ceremony on saturday

We normally take sleep for granted when we have the time to catch it. Take me for example, I may enter my bed at about midnight but because of my lappy, phone and internet, I may end up sleeping at 2:00 am. This is regardless of whether I have an early morning or not. This is such a bad habit. Sleep is so important! And I confirmed that this weekend. Before my forty-minute power shut eye, I could hardly function. I was seeing doubles and I even started replying to the voices in my head. Yes, it was that bad. So I totally understood all the guys who were under the tables snoring. It was just a rebooting mechanism.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


The time is now 2:00 am and seeing that i am here writing this means i am not yet asleep. Why, you may ask. Well see, i signed up for this event that us guys in the tech world like to call a 'Hackathon'. What that basically means is that we stay up all night and program or code a solution to given problem statements. Some of the attendees have already fallen prey to Mr. Sandman and they are looking for cleaver ways to get some shut eye. I see one under the tables, is that you +DANIEL KIHIA? LOL! So i pride myself in being one of the strongest individuals because as i am winning the battle when it comes to keeping my eyelids from cuddling with each other. But i must admit, it is really hard!


The hackathon in question this time round is the Random Hacks of Kindness. It is a rapidly growing global initiative which brings together a large community of innovators in over 30 countries. The aim of this event is to make the world a better place by developing practical, open source technology solutions to some of the most complex challenges facing humanity. Hence through the hackathon,  feasible projects are developed and deployed. Read more on this and the problem statements here or here.