Saturday, August 31, 2013

Brand New Eyes

Hello my good people. You’re good? Well I hope so. It just dawned on me that this is going to be my last post of the month! Yeah, time flies so fast. Don’t you think? It is almost unbelievable that I started writing this blog towards the beginning of August, it feels like just yesterday! But I have been having so much fun doing it already. I hope you have been having just as much fun reading it. Or is it too soon to judge?

My bff Wanjiru Wainaina :)
Hehe, anyway onwards onwards. I had a very interesting experience this week so allow me to share it with you. My best friend, +wanjiru wainaina and I decided to try something new. Ok, brief history time. We have been friends for close to 9 years now! I know, so long right? We met as juniors on the very first day of high school and we have been besties (damn autocorrect almost made me write beasties) since then! 

We have shared many experiences together over the many years we have known each other including the everyday infamous noisemakers list in school and if we are not careful we might end up in the same prison cell too! There is so much I can tell you about our endeavors but let me not deviate so much from the main story.

So this Wednesday we met to catch up, run some errands together and to also get some retail therapy while at it. Nothing like a new pair of something to kick start a new month! For the readers who don’t know me personally, I wear glasses from time to time…and so does my best friend! Haha, coincidence? You be the judge of that. And a funny thing about our glasses is that they are similar in design and even color. Disclaimer: We were not together in any way, shape or form during the purchase of our respective glasses. I knew she was replacing her pair and she knew I was upgrading mine. But when we met, it dawned on us that we had almost the exact same pair (see picture) despite the fact that we shopped in different cities! Great minds think alike I guess??

You see what i told you!

BTW, another instance of such a coincidence is the fact that we had the same phone (previous post) for quite some time. It was my first phone and I bought it myself. We were not together during the time of purchase and when we met up she also had the same phone. Our other pals thought we planned it all but truth be told we didn’t! I still have that phone up to today and it is the one I use but she lost hers a long time ago (I ain’t saying she’s clumsy, no not at all! *wink wink*) hehe. But this trend is really scaring me; we might end up with the same husband!

Oh boy, I deviated again, back to the story. So, we decided we had had enough of wearing glasses and we thought of how cool it would be to wear contact lenses instead. And an idea was born! A giant leap for mankind we called it! We therefore made our way to Optica, the Moi Avenue branch, and inquired about the whole thing. And when all was said and done we decided to go through with it. Tests were done and we paid and we were set.

Optica. Moi Avenue Branch

But wait, that was not all haha! When you get contacts for the first time, you have to be given a hands-on training on how to wear them, take them out and store them. And this is where it dawned on us that this stuff is real! LOL, we always see on television and in movies how people just put the contacts on with so much ease but what ya’ll don’t know is it’s not as easy as it looks. The struggle was real yo! Especially for me! Just to put one contact in, took me a considerable amount of time. And that is logical because you are literally sticking something foreign in your eye and the reflex action is to close the lids when doing that. I really wish we had taken a video of that whole procedure because you would roll on the floor laughing FOR REAL! And our optician kept trying to force us to poke our eyes LMAO! Her words, ‘just try to fight the urge to close your lids and open your eyes’!

Before the brand new eyes hehe

We wondered how superstars did it every day. Especially those who wear contacts just to change their eye color! Why would anyone go through all that? But our optician told us it does get easier with time. I really hope it does because if not I’ll have to allocate an extra hour during my morning preparation session just for putting on contacts! And that will be insane because I actually like my sleep!

Yes, I also tried this stunt

Anyway, after a long wrestle with the contacts we finally got them in and in place. We had overcome the hurdle, at last! Child, weren’t we super excited. So much so that we started having a photo shoot right there and then! It is never an uneventful moment when me and her join forces. We literally made business come to a standstill there hehe! Everyone just had to stare at what we were doing. We managed to make people laugh and in the process we did make some new friends. This always happens when I hang out with my bff, it’s never dull!

We had to do one in front of the mirror. It's the rule :)

And I am glad to say we left a mark at Optica! They know our names now haha. We will take it as a good thing. Discounts perhaps? Yes? No? The rest of the day was just fabulous. We got to walk around without our glasses. It felt weird at first but we will get the hang of it soon.

So cheers to you +wanjiru wainaina  I had an awesome hump day. And I am happy that I got to experience my brand new pair of eyes with you. And now to flaunt them big beautiful brown eyes, haha. Legooo!


Thanks ya’ll for reading. Feel free to leave your comments below especially if you have had such an experience. Does it get better with time? Have an awesome afternoon.

See you all in September, my favorite month of the year! Yeey :)


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