Wednesday, August 26, 2015

9 Habits Of Profoundly Influential People

Not so long ago (about one month actually), our country had the pleasure of hosting one of the most influential people in the world, the POTUS. President Barrack Obama’s visit nearly brought Kenya to a standstill. The last time I had witnessed such rigorous cleaning and organization was while I was in high school as we made arrangements for visiting days and PTA meetings. LOL, story for another day.

President Obama’s eloquence, sense of humor, counsel, value for women empowerment and great mastery of the subject matters being discussed kept everyone keen and interested in everything he had to say. His quotes and punchlines made for great status updates and tweets which were liked, retweeted and shared for days to come. He commanded a following and an audience, without a doubt and it is no wonder most of us had a sense of ‘What now? Who are we? We weren’t ready! What next?’ after we saw his plane depart that Sunday evening.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Giving Thanks {2nd Blog Anniversary}

I still can’t wrap my fingers around how fast this year has gone by, not that I am complaining though. I didn’t start off 2015 with the resolve that I would make it my year but without a doubt it has become just that! I have so much to be thankful for and I am not going to wait for November to do just that.

Everyday above ground is a blessing. I almost always see this tweet every morning when I do my usual online scroll-a-thons before I leave the comfort of my bed. And it’s until you realize that so many people never made it to see the beautiful morning that you become truly grateful for life, family and friends.