Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Be You Dot Com

Hey guys,

I thought I should end this month on an inspirational note. Well…kind of an inspirational note, hehe. This post was actually triggered by a conversation I remember having with an acquaintance of mine some time back.

He mentioned how he had noticed that I apparently do not have enough code stuff on my blog. Actually, “You don’t have any code stuff on your blog yet you are a programmer…” – Were his exact words. So I wasn’t taking him out of context when I iterated that story to a couple of friends of mine later that day. And he went ahead to suggest that I should try and post more content along the programmer/techie lines. Especially code.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

August Kids Hacker Camp {Maker - Breaker Day}

Originally written by +Wachira Ndaiga and published by +Angela Okune both of the +iHub 

Kids Hacker Camp is week-long camp hosted at +iHub which is Nairobi’s Innovation Hub for the technology community. The camp is aimed at kids and teens aged 7 to 18 years, who are drawn to and interested in crafting, hacking, discovering and tinkering. The camp is envisioned and designed to provide an engaging platform on which children and teens can interactively learn, explore and build; spurring them to understand the world around them, analogue and digital. This exposure and tutelage will then go on to help them build skills in design/creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and self-confidence.

This edition of the Kids Hacker Camp focuses on System Thinking through Physical Computing. We believe that an understanding of how different agents within the environment interact will go a long way in helping the students learn about the world around them {Science}. The physical computing plugs in to provide them with an avenue to understand how one can purposefully interact with this environment for desired outputs, i.e. using hardware to sense, compute and actuate.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Android Developer Job Opportunity

Hey there,

I trust that you are all well. This is going to be one of those short and sweet posts so there is no need to go around in circles. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine earlier today and as it turns out, he is looking for an Android developer to help him with some applications that he is working on.

I would have jumped on the opportunity but at the moment my internship has me pretty occupied. Therefore, taking it on while still juggling other things on the side is something that might not allow me to give 120% to either of the projects. And I am not about that.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

GSA Success Stories { #gsassaalumni13 }

Hey guys,

Words alone can’t describe what being a Google Student Ambassador has done for me. But I will try! Being involved in this program is by far one of the finest experiences I have had. It came to me at a point in my life when I really needed something to uplift me, something to distract me. And to be honest, I think it did more than that.

I expressed some of it in this post here and every time I read it or think about it, it’s as if a giant chopped onion is tossed in my eye! LOL! But they are definitely tears of joy. I have had fun as a GSA. And most importantly, I have learnt a lot. More than I ever expected. One of our most memorable events on campus was the Going Google Awareness Campaign. And my journey as a GSA became better and better since then! To pass on what I learnt through the numerous events we held and attended will always gave me great pleasure. And the fact that I am now an alumni will not stop me from continuing to do the same.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Google [ X ]: Solve For X

On Wednesday 16th July 2014, all roads led to Nairobi University’s Confucius Centre (Education Building) for the Google [X]: Solve For <X> Nairobi event. This was an intimate event for a group of exceptional technologists, entrepreneurs, and polymaths-at-large to discuss and debate audacious science and technology proposals that could change the world. What we refer to as our X! Read here for more details.

 However, if you happened to walk in the room shortly after 4:00 pm during the individual introductions and you had no idea what the event was all about, you would have been slightly confused. Hehe, it was therefore wise to listen a little bit before sharing how you have a jilted past with some guy called Suarez who happened to bite into everything in the house!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Toggle ( );

Isn’t it amazing how one little function can change your entire life? Your code life that is. Just the other day I was bombarded with a lot of content on this site that I was working on. I am talking about almost 50 pages worth of information. Having worked as a content developer for over one year means I know what is involved in the process. So I am still in awe at how my client managed to come up with all that…

Anyway, back to my 'story'. So I was left contemplating exactly how I was required to make all those pages for this one website! That site would be so heavy. All those pages would probably take it ages to load on devices. Then again, I couldn’t just squash all that information on one single page because that would lead to one which is about 400 meters long! Trust me guys, I am not exaggerating!

Friday, July 11, 2014

She Leads Africa Launches Female Entrepreneurs Pitch Competition {$10, 000 Cash Prize For 1st Place}

She Leads Africa is a social enterprise ensuring that women are part of Africa’s growth story by helping female entrepreneurs gain access to the knowledge, networks and financing to build and scale strong businesses.

They have announced the launch of a business pitch competition exclusively for female entrepreneurs, which will give the most promising female entrepreneurs in Africa a platform to connect to prominent mentors, business funding and new market opportunities.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


First of all, I am really bummed today. Why you might ask…Well, to start with my last and final team remaining in the World Cup 2014 lost yesterday! This means that the only big win they might get out of this is the 3rd place on Saturday after a head to head with the Samba boys. #Sigh! I had even painted my nails orange you guys. Orange! Then there is that bet I had made with my father…*Contemplating on skipping town* Anyway, you win some…you lose some. Yes?

By the way, the list is finally out! Yes!! The next Google Student Ambassadors have been selected. I am proud of one +George Kamau who will be taking on this role at Kenyatta University during the next academic year. He is a very good friend of mine. He mentored me during my job application at +WaridiEvents  and I got it a couple of months ago. Yeeey! And in this one I returned the favor where I could and he did it!

Congratulations. Looking forward to working with you despite the fact that I am totally jealous ya'll will be having your summit in Ghana! Hehe. Check out his application video here. {Ps. I made a celebrity guest appearance}

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Just Checking In {Part II}

Hey guys,

It has been a while ey? But I hope that in that while you have been great! Well…I can’t complain either as this past week has been particularly kind to me unlike the other one where I got rained on and had a coders’ block for almost two days which might not seem like much until you realize certain deadlines have been pushed up. However, I managed to get everything done and I will hopefully share with ya’ll that bit of information soon.

In the spirit of the new month, I thought I should let you in on a few things that I have been up to. I will follow the trend that I used in this post, which was also borrowed from someone else’s post who in turn copied someone else. LOL, but that is the beauty of the internet :)