Friday, October 3, 2014

Just Checking In {Part III}


Have you ever reached that point your life where you feel like having 24 hours in a day is not enough for you to accomplish all that you need to but what your heart desires is to crawl into a cave and sleep all day? I think it is safe to say that I am there! I am generally not the kind of the person that just gets by without being cautious of deadlines but nowadays, I always find myself on that last minute vibe. Whoa!

Anyway, I thought I should begin this month’s posts with the third edition of the ‘Just Checking In’ series and let you in on a few things that I have been up to or will be up to. Find the other two posts in this series here and here.

Staring: At the blinking cursor on the blank word document of what is meant to be a proposal which I should have written like yesterday! But instead I decided to write this post. {Cue the somebody save me song}

Accepting: That I can’t do everything on my own. Delegation and letting go of some viable opportunities is key. In this way, I can keep stress at bay!

Learning: How to use Balsamiq Mockups For Desktop in preparation for the Google User Experience MasterClass which will take place on the 10th and 11th October and I cannot wait!

Brainstorming: On fresh User Interface ideas to incorporate in my project. I am that person who has good looking applications that do absolutely nothing relevant code wise. But I can’t help it!

Sketching: The above. I even got my sister to buy me new colorful crayons that I can use for this process. Like I said, I can’t help it. Not at all!

Trying: To get my baby fixed because of this problem. But apparently every time I visit the dealers, they tell me they do not have spare parts available for it. I am getting really frustrated!

Counting: Down to Christmas. Whoa, it’s in about 70 days you guys!

Craving: Cake! Enough said.

Watching: Nothing really. But I have just seen that Once Upon A Time Season 4 is out. Yeey!

Listening: To the songs in the first memory card I owned! It’s been ages since I heard some of those jams. Total bliss. The card has a lot of Paramore albums which I just love. One can never get enough of Paramore!

Downloading: Nothing! The Wi-Fi here really sucks. You know that saying ‘You never miss the water till the well runs dry’? That’s real talk right there! No lie! Appreciate the luxury of fast internet wherever you are.

Sewing: This should actually be…finished sewing. I did a skirt which I wore on my birthday and judging by the number of compliments I got that day, I can say that I did good! And now, I am eyeing more material for new designs that I have been working on. Sigh, I should just switch careers!

Playing: Candy Crush and I’m currently stuck on level 197.

Appreciating: The people in my life who have come through for me with some awesome advice that just makes everything seem okay.

Thanking: Ya’ll for taking your time to read through this post!
Wishing: Everyone a lovely day.


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