Thursday, October 9, 2014

UI Tenets +Traps

I've been having a huge debate in my head for the past couple of weeks on how I would best deliver this topic to you guys. This is because it is based on a training that was held at the +iHub UX Lab at the +iHub but I never managed to attend it due to prior commitments. However, I was given a number of flashcards that they used during the training and to be honest, I found them easy to understand once I went through them. 

So the big question was whether I could be able to explain the cards in such a way that everyone else would as well. My biggest fear here is misleading everybody here. I wouldn’t want that. Not at all! With that said, I thought the best way to start this discussion would be to give an introduction of some sort on what UI Tenets + Traps is all about then go ahead to explain the cards one by one in later posts. Cool?

UI Tenets + Traps (or “T + Ts”) is a heuristic evaluation tool distilled from years of user interface research and best practices. It is used to systematically improve the quality of UI design earlier in the product life cycle by facilitating detection and resolution of potentially costly usability problems. T + Ts are unique among UI heuristic tools, of which there are many, in their explicit linking of detection criteria for UI problems (Traps) to generalizable principles of human perception, cognition, memory, and ergonomics (Tenets). Tenets describe general attributes of good interface design. Traps describe common problems that degrade this goodness. When the traps are reduced, the user experience gets better!

UI Tenets + Traps is therefore more than just about implementing UI design and best practices but it’s about doing so in a way  that takes into account customizations and modifications necessary to make it “stick” with the culture of any given team. 

Well, that's the intro. What do you think about it? Understandable or nah? Pro Tip: If no, reading it more than once kinda helps. Worked for me! Hehe. I will work on the follow up posts and put them up in due time but for now, that will have to do.

Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day ahead.

Content originally posted here
Image source here


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