Monday, January 19, 2015

Fundamentals Of UX

I learnt a lot during the Google UX MasterClass, and I shared my experiences with you in this brief recap that I did. There, I said I would share with you some of those nice points that I jotted down during the wonderful presentation by Masumi Matsumoto and Ben Davis and here is me doing just that! I know it is a bit overdue, please pardon the delay.

So, what is UX and why does it matter?

UX is everything you need to know, think about and do to make sure that you are launching the right product for the right people. UX matters because access to your competitors is only ever a tap or two away…

The 6 fundamentals of UX

Focus On The User
Design for them, not you! Understand their needs motivation and constraints. Put them at the center of your decision making. Reward their engagement and engage their trust.

Do Your Research
Understand your product area and what the strengths and weaknesses of the competition are. Validate your assumptions with friends, relatives and likely users. Adapt your plans based on what you learn.

Strive For Simplicity
Make sure your proposition and benefits are clear and can be championed by your users. Prioritize what is best for your users and work hard to remove roadblocks from their path.

Prioritize Speed
Get the user to task completion as quickly and intuitively as possible. Make the most important actions the easiest to accomplish and present them in a logical and consistent manner using existing conventions

 Never Stop Learning
Seize every opportunity to learn from the insights you get about how your product is being used. Use analytics and experiments to understand usage and fine tune or adapt your product to build on what you find out.

Solve big problems
Be ambitious and innovative in your choice of product area and approach. Question established procedures and look for opportunities to create lasting value for users. Look around and think how the application of technology could change things.

That’s it for the fundamentals but there is so much from that presentation that would I love to share as we move along.
As always, thank you for reading!


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