Monday, February 3, 2014

Bloggers Association of Kenya Training {#BAKEtraining}

Hey guys. Is it just me or was the weekend just glorious? Part of that could be attributed to the fact that the one year long month finally ended! LOL, it seemed to drag on for an eternity! But apart from that, this Saturday saw the Bloggers Association of Kenya meet up which took place at the Nailab in Bishop Magua Building.

The Bloggers Association of Kenya is a body that represents the group of content creators on the web who may be of Kenyan origin or descent or are based in Kenya. The association aims to improve the quantity and quality of online content. Read more on their website here.

I had heard about the event a couple of days earlier during a breakfast show in a local station and I thought it would be a good idea to attend, seeing that I am a blogger of some sort hehe. This was just the best way I could have spent the first day of the month.

The meet up saw the conglomeration of bloggers from so many categories that have been in the industry for different periods of time. The talks were spearheaded by those that had recorded outstanding performances in their respective fields.

The theme of the training was to educate us how we can move from blogging as a hobby to blogging that actually makes money (bacon…table). I learnt a lot from all the sessions we had. And after the meet up was over, a new blogging fire, for lack of a better term, was rekindled in me.

It was so overwhelming to finally meet some of them face to face. You know…you are so used to reading their work online without ever thinking you will get to see them in person. Then all of a sudden you find yourself in the same room as them… #sigh. We novices in the industry got to interact with them and pick up a few tips here and there. They were nice and didn’t mind imparting their knowledge on us on the specific questions and queries that we had for them. Some of the bloggers there included Nancie Mwai of the Fashion Notebook, Dennis Machio of Michezo Africa, Sam Wakoba of the Tech MoranSoko Analyst, Mwangi Kirubi among others.


Another highlight of the day was making new friends amongst ourselves and re-uniting with old ones. So many ideas changed hands and the networks that were created would most certainly last for a long time to come. You know yourselves… +jean wandimi+Dickson A. Otieno and +Emmanuel Chenze 

If you want to be in the know about future BAKE events, you can visit their website or follow them on twitter. And if you are a bloggers, you can also choose to be a part of the Bloggers Association of Kenya by registering as a member.

If you know of a good blog (*cough* Jackie Moraa *cough*) or have a blog, nominate it for the BAKE 2014 Kenyan Blog Awards by filling the form here.


Thank you for reading. Do have yourselves a lovely Monday afternoon.
Ciao lovies!


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