Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Just Checking In {Part IV}

It’s been a while since I did one of these checking in posts. And a lot has happened since the last time I did one.  However, I am currently in the KISS {Keep It Short and Sweet} business so I’ll just mention some it. If you missed the previous check in, you can find it here.

Needing: A new phone battery. The fact that is number 1 on this list, should really tell you something. I will rant about this lost love in my next post…stay tuned. #SmartPhonesDumbBatteries

Wondering: Whether I am the only one finding Android Studio hard to work with? I recently made the big leap from using Eclipse because Android Studio is the new IDE recommended by Google and I have not been finding that move easy. Simple things that I used to execute seamlessly in Eclipse are an uphill task in AS. Should I go back? Help…

Finally: Had my baby fixed. Now she’s all brand new. No more having to explain what’s going on with the LCD to perturbed onlookers.

Enjoying: Free Wi-Fi at a café that we stumbled upon during one of those sunny afternoons in Nairobi. The café is in a quiet and serene environment and it also serves delicious lattes and cappuccinos. Maybe I can have my cake and eat it too. Read: Of fast Wi-Fi and decent coffee.

Speaking: Of cake, you probably know where this is going so I’ll just leave it at that…

Downloading: Revenge Season 4 which I will watch whenever I find the time. Prison Break, one of my all-time favorite series, had to end at season 4 because I mean, how many times could those people break out of jail? It becomes wired. You feel me? Errrrm, so I keep asking myself how long would Emily Thorn keep this revenge plan going?? And here I thought I could hold grudges! Damn gurl, taking it to a new level much!

Listening: To Ojuelegba by Wizkid. It’s a little different from all his other songs but I really like it.

Accepting: That I can’t please everyone, I am not cake.

Starting: Another hair journey! The last one was successful, don’t get me wrong but I feel like I am done with the relaxed hair. Yeah you guys, Jackie is joining the natural hair bandwagon! I have been toying with this idea for a number of years but the thought of cutting my long tresses always freaked me out. But my recent relaxer stretch (4 months) exposed me to a sizeable new hair growth and I fell in love with the curl pattern. Now I want that on the entire length. The scissors and big chop are beckoning and I am almost ready to take the plunge. Meanwhile, I'll keep braiding and doing my Bantu Knots #Sigh

Realizing: That I may have lost some of you when I started talking about hair. Hehe, sorry…

Sewing: Nothing yet. But I have been searching for Aztec print materials in town but to no avail. Anyone who knows of a place?

Counting: Down to May. Cause I need me my mini vaccay. T minus 100 days!

Celebrating: Febraury! With the 76 days I had in January, I never thought this month would get here. Cheers to February.

Recognizing: That despite how long and tiring January was, it did bring with it some very wonderful occasions among them three very special birthdays, anniversaries and other festivities. I can’t wait to enjoy them again in 2016.

Nominating: For myself as the best technology or topical blog for the Bake Awards. It's such a long shot but it never hurts to try. You should nominate me too :)

Thanking: Ya’ll for taking your time to read through this post!
Wishing: Everyone a lovely evening


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