Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Doodle 4 Google Art Gallery

By a show of hands, how many of you have been to the Nairobi National Museum in the recent past? And no, I’m not talking about the primary school trip when you were in class five. See, I thought so. Very few!

It’s unbelievable how much we, as Kenyans, rarely tour our own land as much as tourists from other countries. I am also guilty of this! Just the other day, a good friend of mine went on a nature walk in Karura Forest and when she got back she couldn’t stop singing praises about the place. After seeing the pictures she took, I understood why. The land is so peaceful and tranquil and undisturbed. It is a place I would definitely like to visit.

Yesterday, however, I got the opportunity to visit the National Museum for the Doodle 4 Google Art Exhibition which runs all the way through to 31st May, 2014. I was there on business but even that couldn’t stop me from marveling at the splendor of this historical institution.


The art exhibition is being showcased at the Aga Khan Hall and it comprises of all the doodles (paintings and drawings) that were entered in the Doodle 4 Google competition to celebrate Kenya’s Jubilee year using the theme ‘My Kenya’.

The Doodle 4 Google is a program that invites students to use their artistic talents to think big and redesign the Google homepage logo for millions to see.

The pictures are breath-taking. The ages of the artists are also something worth noting. There are beautiful pieces by kids as young as 10 years. And it is such ‘Picasso’ talent that will get you questioning the direction your life is taking. LOL, because some of us were busy eating the crayons instead while we were at that tender age! But all is well. Everybody is blessed differently. \0/

So, if you are in the area this week, make a point of popping by. Then maybe you can finally cross it off that bucket list or New Year’s resolutions list. It is a wholesome and great learning experience.  

Doing Cool Things That Matter

Thanks for reading you guys. Much love!!
Have a lovely day!


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