Hello my good people. You’re good? Well I hope so. It just
dawned on me that this is going to be my last post of the month! Yeah, time
flies so fast. Don’t you think? It is almost unbelievable that I started
writing this blog towards the beginning of August, it feels like just
yesterday! But I have been having so much fun doing it already. I hope you have
been having just as much fun reading it. Or is it too soon to judge?
Hehe, anyway onwards onwards. I had a very interesting
experience this week so allow me to share it with you. My best friend, +wanjiru wainaina and I decided to try something new. Ok, brief history time. We have
been friends for close to 9 years now! I know, so long right? We met as juniors
on the very first day of high school and we have been besties (damn autocorrect
almost made me write beasties) since then!