Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Love Letter Of Some Sort

I have been staring at this blinking cursor for what seems like an eternity. I have never had a problem with putting my thoughts into words but for some reason, they are not coming so easily to me today.

This is not a surprise to me because I have so much to say about you and words can barely begin to cover it. You have always been there for me, through the good times and bad. In craziness and in sanity (We don’t have a lot of the sanity moments though). In sickness and in health…and the more I keep mentioning these times you have always had my back, the more I realize it’s as if we are already married. Though being together for almost ten years is kinda like a marriage. LOL!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

My Box Office 2013

A few days ago, a close friend of mine asked me what my best movie for the year was. And I have to admit…I stuttered! I am a big fan of the box office and so many flicks have grabbed my attention during the 12 months that has made this year what it is. The same thing goes for music. I can never just pick one. There are so many that I have grown fond of overtime. From all genres too; Rock, Hip-Hop, African, and House you name it.

So that is what inspired my post for today. However, not the music part of it because that would be an infinity post LOL! I tried to narrow it down to just ten movies.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Hairy Situation

‘Sup everyone! Turn to your neighbor and tell them “it’s the season to be jolly!” LOL, how are you doing though? I am awesome, just getting in the Christmas mood! I hope you are too. Plus, I will be expecting some gifts from you faithful readers, ahem…ahem!

This week I finally realized one of this year’s resolutions. I had talked about it here. Because it was taking me so long to get it, everyone around had lost hope hehe. But finally, three months later, I have it! I got me a phone, my Galaxy baby. I am super excited about it and I just can’t wait to get to know it more :)

My bff’s parents were renewing their wedding nuptials this past weekend and a bunch of us were going to turn up! As usual, when it comes to matters wedding, it’s usually a thing nowadays to show up looking your best.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Girl Code

Hey people. How are ya’ll getting along? I hope you are doing fine. I am just peachy! I have a short story to share, so kids gather around. Hehe, just the other day, I met someone (a male someone) who asked me what I did.  It went a little bit like this, “So what do you do?”

Lately, I have come to the realization that people do not ask such questions with the aim of actually wanting to know what the other person does but instead what they usually want to know is you level of intelligence or something of the sort. They want to gauge you!

So when I told him that I do Computer Science, he was shocked to say the least. Then what followed after his long and intimate relationship with silence and utter dismay was a remark that will leave many females and female activists asking me for this guy’s number.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Google Code In

Hello folks. How you doin’? December is finally here with us, yipeeee! And for more than one reason, I couldn’t be any happier about that! I should have written this post a bit earlier than this, but just bear with me. It’s better late than never, ey? I am also going to be very straight to the point on this one as there is already a variety of information and videos online to elaborate. So, how about we get started then? If you are or know of any 13 – 17 year old pre-university student, then read along because this is one of those wonderful opportunities that you just can’t pass on :)

What is the Google Code In?
It is a global online open source development and outreach contest for pre-college students ages 13 – 17.