Saturday, September 7, 2013

For The Love Of The Game

Heyyy guys! How’s the September? It has been a whole week since I posted anything, whaaaat! That is long. But in my defense, I did want to put up something earlier but guess what? I couldn’t! For one reason or another, my blogger dashboard was not loading and neither were any dot BlogSpot websites which I could visit for help. But I discovered the problem and now I am here :)

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

You see, on Saturday night I was browsing the internet for some games that I could download. I had had a long day so I thought a little play time was in order. You know what they say, “all work and no play makes Jack(ie) a very dull boy girl”. In my computer, I already had Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Scrabble and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (which is not so bad, if I might add) hehe. But I was so used to them and I wanted something different.

So there I was, browsing and searching. I downloaded a lot of card games (Solitaire, FreeCell, Hearts) and also Grand Theft Auto, Chess and Monopoly. I was super stocked when the downloads were completed without a hitch. My internet must have been high on something that day because it normally takes me ages to do pretty basic things online. I ran the programs and I was good to go, or at least that is what I thought!

To start with, the card games, chess and monopoly did not even launch! Arrrgh! I was very annoyed. I mean, how can you patiently wait for them to complete their download, using your priceless bandwidth and stuff and then they do not work! It is the same thing that happens to me in queues! The one I chose always stagnates. And if I decide to leave that queue and go to the next one which moves faster than the one I am currently in, the one I left starts moving twice as fast! My luck ey?? The GTA was working though and I even played it some other night, #awesome.

Grand Theft Auto

But people, that right there, was the beginning of my struggles! Why do I say this? So during the week I was back to my normal work. My mini vaccay with games was over! To begin with I opened my browser; I use Google Chrome all the time, and wanted to search something. Google is always my default Search Engine but I got results from AVG. And it’s at that point I smelled a rat (Ok, I really wanted to use that phrase so don’t look at me like that. LOL, here’s to my English teacher, what you did was not in vain!)

And now I set out to “fix” the issue. I went to my settings and specified which search engine I wanted as my default. Then I opened my blogger dashboard but it would not load but oh well I blamed it on my slow internet and I went on with my work. I tried it again later and still got the same error but this time other websites were opening so I was worried. To make matters worse even you tube videos were not loading and neither were other BlogSpot sites. I tried Mozilla Firefox but still, nothing!

That error message we all dread when opening a site!

Wow, I kept asking myself if there was anything that had changed with my computer in the past couple of days. And then it hit me! (LOL, no pun intended. +254) It must be the games! That was emphasized when I started getting requests from online dating sites which were linked to the sites where I got the games from. They were constant pop ups that would just not stop showing up even if you kept closing them. I had had enough. So I did what everyone would do, UNINSTALL!!

But after restarting the computer later, it still was not back to its original performance. I lost hope for a moment there as I thought maybe it’s that serious and I might have to format my baby! I really dread that procedure. I never even did it to my first one. The thought of starting all over again just doesn’t appeal to me at all. So instead I started poking random buttons and key combinations but with a serious ‘I know what I am doing’ IT face!

First I switched it off and on. I re-launched my browser, cleared the cache, the cookies, I reset the browser settings, changed the proxy, I also changed the theme, the language and the font (LMAO, a drowning man…straw!) Then I restarted it and refreshed it! And I am happy to say, we are BACK!!! I am very positive I had it at switching it off and on, us IT people swear by that. Hehe, it’s like Magic :)

But from such experiences, we learn. Such is life right? “C’est la vie”.  And from now on, no more installing weird programs from untrusted suppliers. I’ll also try to read the terms and conditions, (wow. That’s pretty huge. Ok, I’ll start next year, I promise)

Anyway, even if I love these games, for now I will just be contented with the three that I previously had. What I faced this past week might have had much serious consequences. And having just those three games is a minor price to pay. Don’t you think?


Thank you for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to have you as one of my readers.
Keep safe and enjoy your weekend lovies.

Currently listening to +Florence and the Machine BG  albums.


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